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Thank You Andy!

Thank You Andy! Thank You Andy!

My wife called me hysterical last week. Our two-year-old daughter had written all over every cushion of our brand new sofa. This sofa is a red microfiber sectional. It was this year's tax return 101 costing around $2300. I asked her to calm down for her sake and I went straight to Google. Surely we can't be the only ones with terrible two-year-old writing on a brand new microfiber sofa with a blue ballpoint pen! :) I was write (sorry for the typo...)

I found the following:

Hi Andy. How do I remove ballpoint ink from our "BRAND NEW" (!!) microfiber sofa! Ahhh two-year-olds and ink pens...why why why!? Thanks so much if you have an answer ;-) Dear Laura: visit They have the answer and the chemical to remove ball pen ink. A two-year-old shouldn't have access to a ball pen. It can be dangerous. Just wait, "terrible twos" become "terrific three's" before you know it. Good Luck, with both the stain and the child[rearing], Andy

Well, I found the Carbona near the laundry detergent section in Albertsons. It worked all right. It took a while rubbing out all the ink, but it's out and we are greatly relieved. My wife has since thrown away all the pens, crayons, etc in the garbage.

Thank you, Andy, whoever you are! And, thank you Carbona.

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Dustin Davis

Dustin Davis is a software engineer, people manager, hacker, and entreprenuer. He loves to develop systems and automation. He lives with his wife and five kids in Utah.