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Stop Being Late for Virtual Meetings

Photo by Andy Beales on Unsplash

Tampermonkey script that completely interrupts your workflow to remind you of meetings.

I spent a lot of time in Google Meet (formerly Hangouts). I just counted my meetings for the week, and I have 27 on the calendar (and I have this Friday off). When people ask what I do for a living, I used to say I'm a programmer. Now I say, "I mostly attend virtual meetings."

This post is not really about meetings, their needs, or their effectiveness. It is about getting there on time. I tend to zone out when I'm in the middle of a project, and I have effectively learned to ignore the little toaster notifications that MacOS provides.

I once ran across a nice Chrome extension called Checker Plus for Google Calendarâ„¢ by Jason Savard. There was only one feature that I relied upon. When it was time for a meeting, a new browser window would open in the middle of my screen to alert me. This window got in my way and totally interrupted my workflow. I know most people would hate that, but for me, it was needed to grab my attention and say, "Stop working! It is time for your 1:1 meeting with your boss."

Unfortunately, our company cracked down on tools that are allowed to access our Google accounts. Therefore, I can no longer use that extension as it requires API access to my Google Calendar.

Frustratingly, I found myself being late, or missing meetings altogether again. It was embarrassing.

So I set out to write a replacement that does the same thing, without the need to access my Google account. I came up with the following Tampermonkey script:

1// ==UserScript==
2// @name Google Calendar Alert Interrupter
3// @namespace
4// @version 0.1
5// @description Interrupt me to get my attention where there is a meeting!
6// @author Dustin Davis
7// @match*
9// @grant none
10// @run-at document-start
11// ==/UserScript==
13;(function () {
14 'use strict'
16 var alrtScope
17 if (typeof unsafeWindow === 'undefined') {
18 alrtScope = window
19 } else {
20 alrtScope = unsafeWindow
21 }
23 alrtScope.alert = function (msg) {
24 console.log('Intercepted alert: ', msg)
26 = 'gcal'
27 var newWin = openWindow('', 900, 600)
28 var html = `
29 <style>
30 body {
31 background: #4185f4 }
32 section {
33 background: black;
34 color: white;
35 border-radius: 1em;
36 padding: 1em;
37 position: absolute;
38 top: 50%;
39 left: 50%;
40 margin-right: -50%;
41 cursor: pointer;
42 transform: translate(-50%, -50%) }
43 </style>
44 <section id="go">
45 <h1>${msg}</h1>
46 </section>
47 `
48 newWin.document.write(html)
49 newWin.document.write('<script/>')
51 var g = newWin.document.createElement('script')
52 var s = newWin.document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]
53 g.text =
54 'document.getElementById("go").addEventListener("click", () => {"",; window.close();})'
55 s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s)
56 }
58 function openWindow(url, width, height) {
59 var myWindow
60 var center_left = screen.width / 2 - width / 2
61 var center_top = screen.height / 2 - height / 2
63 myWindow =
64 url,
65 'Title',
66 'scrollbars=1, width=' +
67 width +
68 ', height=' +
69 height +
70 ', left=' +
71 center_left +
72 ', top=' +
73 center_top,
74 )
75 myWindow.focus()
76 return myWindow
77 }

What it Does

This script will basically override the default alert function on Instead of showing a browser alert message, it will open a new window - essentially doing the same thing as my other script by getting my attention.

Making it Work for You

If you would like to use this script, do the following:

  1. Install the Tampermonkey extension on your favorite browser.
  2. Install my script - Google Calendar Alert Interrupter.
  3. Set up Google Calendar to show alerts in your browser for calendar events. You can do this by going to Settings -> General -> Notification Settings. I have mine set to alert 1 minute before events. I've found I never need more than a 1-minute notice.
  4. Keep your calendar open all day. I pin my calendar tab to keep it open.

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Dustin Davis

Dustin Davis is a software engineer, people manager, hacker, and entreprenuer. He loves to develop systems and automation. He lives with his wife and five kids in Utah.

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