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Keep Webmin Running

Keep Webmin Running Keep Webmin Running

I have a Webmin/Virtualmin server where I host a few personal sites and lately certain services have been crashing. I don't want to upgrade to a larger server as these sites are not really critical to be up 24x7, but it is annoying.

After doing some searching I have found a simple script to run to check certain services statuses to see if they are still running, and, if not, start them back up.

There may be a better way to do this without the copy/paste code, but I'm not a bash scripting expert so this fits my needs.

I created a file at /etc/services.chk with the following content:


STATUS="$(systemctl is-active webmin)"
if [ "${STATUS}" != "active" ]; then
        echo "Webmin is stopped. Restarting..."
        /usr/sbin/service webmin start
        echo "Webmin is running."

STATUS="$(systemctl is-active apache2)"
if [ "${STATUS}" != "active" ]; then
        echo "Apache is stopped. Restarting..."
        /usr/sbin/service apache2 start
        echo "Apache is running."

STATUS="$(systemctl is-active mysql)"
if [ "${STATUS}" != "active" ]; then
        echo "MySQL is stopped. Restarting..."
        /usr/sbin/service mysql start
        echo "MySql is running."

I gave this script executable permissions:

sudo chmod +x /etc/services.chk

I then did a bit of testing...

$ sudo ./services.chk
Webmin is running.
Apache is running.
MySql is running.
$ sudo service webmin stop
$ sudo ./services.chk
Webmin is stopped. Restarting...
Apache is running.
MySql is running.

Finally, I added the following to my cron:

*/30 * * * * /etc/services.chk >/dev/null 2>&1
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Dustin Davis

Dustin Davis is a software engineer, people manager, hacker, and entreprenuer. He loves to develop systems and automation. He lives with his wife and five kids in Utah.