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77 Things I Did in 2010

77 Things I Did in 2010 77 Things I Did in 2010

So my life is not quite exciting as Brandon's. I haven't packed up my family and moved to another country. But my life is still eventful. I thought I would take some time to look back on 2010 to see what I have done.

  1. Celebrated 10 years of a happy marriage.
  2. Had our fourth child.
  3. Baptized & confirmed my oldest daughter.
  4. Blessed our fourth son.
  5. Remodeled master bathroom.
  6. Threw up some blood.
  7. Had my first stay in ICU.
  8. Had two scopes down my throat.
  9. Diagnosed with Cancer.
  10. Had my first CT Scan.
  11. Had surgery to remove a tumor.
  12. Lost 15 lbs.
  13. Changed health insurance 3 times (not by choice).
  14. Worked at a job I love.
  15. Bought a Kindle.
  16. Increased my income by 60% from a 5 yr old website.
  17. Put home up for sale & later took it off the market.
  18. Refinanced our mortgage.
  19. Started taking Gleevec.
  20. Bought a snow blower.
  21. Checked my credit report for errors.
  22. Wrote
  23. Played church ball.
  24. Got a free laptop from Google to test Chrome OS
  25. Caught a baseball at a Bees game.
  26. Painted our deck.
  27. Painted our fence.
  28. Fished toys out of a toilet.
  29. Coached T-ball.
  30. Camped out in the snow at Father's & Sons.
  31. Visited the Hill Air Force base museum.
  32. Got a couples massage.
  33. Camped out with the boys at a family reunion in Roosevelt.
  34. Attended two younger siblings' weddings.
  35. Went on a Daddy-daughter hike with Gracie.
  36. Surpassed 1000 users on
  37. Put offers on 4 different houses. Bought none of them.
  38. Taught two kids to ride a bike.
  39. Had lunch with an old mission companion.
  40. Played a lot of Ultimate Frisbee.
  41. Created Ultimate Frisbee sign-up website.
  42. Replaced breaks in both cars.
  43. Bought new tires for the Maxima.
  44. Got a free flip video camera as a gift from Clearlink.
  45. Replaced the starter motor in the Maxima.
  46. Did all my Christmas shopping on
  47. Gave a presentation about Inzolo at LaunchUp.
  48. Read the Book of Mormon (I've lost count of how many times).
  49. Took the family to the LDS Church History Museum.
  50. Added new icon sets to Inzolo.
  51. Bought new front-load washer & dryer.
  52. Ate at La Caille.
  53. Upgraded to iPhone 4.
  54. Got an i7 PC at work.
  55. Went to a baseball game with my Dad.
  56. Switched to DIRECTV (from Comcast)
  57. Wrote a mobile web app for Inzolo.
  58. Used Ubuntu & Mac OS more than Windows.
  59. Spent a night at Inn on the Creek in Midway, UT.
  60. Shot clay pigeons.
  61. Dressed up for Halloween.
  62. Took my daughter to where I proposed to my wife.
  63. Turned the dashboard back on in Inzolo.
  64. Became more fluent in Python & Django web development.
  65. Sent & received a lot more greeting cards.
  66. Learned to solder fixtures on copper plumbing.
  67. Backed up all our family photos to Picasaweb.
  68. Bought new headphones.
  69. Replaced my keychain pocket knife the TSA took.
  70. Got my mini-fridge back & set up in my cubicle at work.
  71. Hired a full-time employee in the Philippines. (& later let him go)
  72. Created a new satellite comparison website.
  73. Had my boss replaced twice at work.
  74. Noticed my eyesight going blurry for the first time.
  75. Attended an open-source conference.
  76. Switched from an ergo keyboard to a Mac chicklet keyboard.
  77. Stopped sending invoices.

Now I look on to 2011. Making this list has been a fun exercise. It made me think of a number of things I would like to put on a similar list next year, such as reading more books, attending the temple at least 50 times, etc.

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Dustin Davis

Dustin Davis is a software engineer, people manager, hacker, and entreprenuer. He loves to develop systems and automation. He lives with his wife and five kids in Utah.